
CGRAS标志The 性别,种族和地区研究中心 (CGRAS) is an academic hub at 十大网赌平台 consisting of the interdisciplinary programs of 妇女与性别研究, 种族灭绝和人权研究, 亚洲研究, 拉丁美洲和拉丁研究, 非洲研究, 比较种族与民族研究, 与和平研究. 我们的核心使命是多元化的研究, disadvantaged or marginalized societies and populations with an emphasis on how to promote social justice. CGRAS facilitate​s​ intellectual synergies around diversity within and across 性别, 比赛, 以及学术和教学中的种族问题. We develop programming that reaches across a broad range of disciplines beyond our constituent programs to support the academic diversification of 十大网赌平台.


在 非洲研究方向, students explore the lives of people of African ancestry both in Africa and around the world, 尤其是撒哈拉以南非洲, 美国和加勒比地区. 在这个过程中,学生将培养一种文化, 历史, 政治, social and geographical awareness of the ways people of African descent have lived, 为自我定义而努力奋斗. An examination of topics such as literary traditions, 艺术生产, 文化习俗, 教育, 宗教, 人权, 环境退化与更新, 民主, 革命, and health in this interdisciplinary context are central to understanding the modern world.

跨学科的 亚洲研究专业 反映了东方日益增长的重要性, 产于亚洲东南部和南部地区, and the undeniably central role that countries like China, Japan and India play in the world economy and in world affairs today. By combining perspectives from faculty in the 社会科学, 人文学科, 艺术与商业, 学生将获得整个地区的知识, 以及不同的历史, 政治, 它所涵盖的国家的经济和文化.

学生们 比较种族与民族研究专业 探索种族和民族的方式, 并将继续, powerful social and 政治 forces in the United States and across the globe. Students examine how 比赛 and 种族 intersect with other structures of identity formation, 比如类, 性别, 性, 国籍和法律地位. The 浓度 also allows students to compare U.S. experiences with those of other racially and ethnically diverse countries around the world, 过去和现在.

通过 种族灭绝和人权研究浓度, incidences of mass violence are studied to enhance understanding of the society from which we came, the society in which we live and the society to which we are giving shape. 在这个过程中, students learn about collusion and resistance; about the hot violence of mass murder and the cold violence of the modern, bureaucratic machinery of death; and about suffering and adaptation to suffering. 学生们学习社会是如何瓦解的, 一步一步地, 平凡的人, women and children both participate in and are affected by this disintegration. Students learn, in short, a tremendous amount about making the world a better place.

拉丁美洲和拉丁研究 is a multidisciplinary 浓度 designed to expose students to the substantial cultural, economic and geo政治 impact of Latin America and Latinx people in the U.S. It offers courses which mark the diversity of 历史, cultural and 政治 experiences of Latin America, the interrelationships between Latin America and the U.S., and the growing influence of Latinx people in the U.S. Students have the opportunity to take 浓度-related courses in art 历史, 通信, 经济学, 历史, 国际发展, 政治科学, 和西班牙语.

和平不仅仅是没有战争. It is also the presence of justice and equality that ensures basic necessities of life are met. 它包括消除暴力, 压迫, greed and environmental destruction by the constructive mediation of conflicts. 学生们 和平研究方向 will examine the contexts in which conflict occurs: between individuals, 在社区和组织中, 在社会内部和国家之间, and how conflict can lead to constructive change rather than violence. Students will also have a chance to explore and participate in actions that provide hope for positive social change.

十大平台网赌的 妇女与性别研究学位课程 dates from a 政治 moment in the 1970s when student activists urged their feminist mentors to begin offering courses in women’s studies. 作为WGS专业或辅修, 学生们探讨妇女问题, the social construction of femininities and masculinities, and the 性别ed dimensions of any field of study at Clark. This interdisciplinary program brings together more than 50 faculty members from the 人文学科, 社会科学, 文化研究, 管理, 以及视觉和表演艺术. Program courses stress the importance of social identities and relationships, 比如那些由性别决定的, 性, 种族, 比赛, 和类, in order to understand individual and collective experiences.


